Monday, June 7, 2010

Ironman 30-Lap Shock

My c. 1997 Time Ironman Triathlon Datalink watch (78401) was recently smashed by standing between my wrist and a falling 40 lb. weight, cracking the frame and its face.

Having never, ever used the Datalink feature, I figured T5H301 model would be a suitable replacement. Overall, functionally, it appears to be; however, I much preferred the fit, display and interface of the 78401. Regarding fit, the band of the 78401 had a large range of swing, enabling it to fit the wrist both snugly and comfortably. On the T5H301, the band has little to no range at the hinge, leaving it sit off my wrist more than is desirable and making the overall feel a bit bulky. Regarding the display and interface, the T5H301 reduces the number of buttons by one, overloading the "increment/increase" onto the Start/Split button. This may simply require getting used to; however, it seems less intuitive. In addition, I find the arrangement of the display tougher to read at a glance with its "crammed into a circle" look than on the 78401 with its "organized into a rectangle" look. Again, this may just take some getting used to.

In short, this seems to be an able and attractive replacement for the 78401; however, if you've been using another Ironman for the last 12 years as I have, the new Timex models like the T5H301 may take some getting used to.Buy Ironman 30-Lap Shock!

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